Suswagatam Khushaamadeed is a Bollywood Hindi comedy drama movie directed by Dhiraj Kumar. The movie was produced by Shraavan Agarwal, Anil Agarwal, Dhiraj Kumar, Deepak Dhar and Azaan Ali. The movie stars Pulkit Samrat and Isabelle Khaif in main roles.
Director: Dhiraj Kumar
Produced by: Shravan Agarwal, Anil Agarwal, Dhiraj Kumar, Deepak Dhar and Azaan Ali
Cat: Pulit Samrat, Isabelle Kgaif, Priyanka Singh, Arun Bali, Meghna Malik, Rituraj Singh, Sahil Vaid
Genre: Romantic comedy
Plot: Love, clean fun and brotherhood
Release date: The movie Suswagatam Khushaamadeed releases in theaters on November 22, 2024